Ryan Peterson [
http://community.jboss.org/people/rrpeterson] created the discussion
"How to get active processes via ksession.getProcessInstances()"
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Hey guys,
I'm using a single StatefulKnowledgeSession to manage my processes. Each
processInstance is mapped to a userId, which is stored in the params map as a process
variable upon the start of the process:
ksession.startProcess(processId, params)
Later I'd like to check if a specific userId exists in the workflow engine, which I
was hoping to check all the active processInstances and search for the userId within their
Unfortunately when I use ksession.getProcessInstances() I get 0 results. Is there a way
to do a "deep" search to find the active processes? I am persisting the
processes and StatefulKnowledgeSession, but I have not called .dispose() and am still in
the same jvm instance (haven't restored the ksession from the database).
Is there a better way to find if a user is already in a workflow based on process
Thanks for any help!
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