Karthikeyan Sekar [
http://community.jboss.org/people/a02918] created the discussion
"Unable to complete the process of sample project(Perfromance Evaluation)"
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Hi All,
I am working on jBPM5.2 and trying to execute a sample project (performance
evaluation).In jBPM console,I had logged in as krisv and made self evaluation Then, I had
logged in as john and evaluated krisv .Then I had logged in as mary and evaluated
krisv.when I logged is as mary I got the following error as follows
2011-12-15 15:26:15,022 [FATAL] Uncaught Exception:
*empty argument*
at Unknown.dA(JsArrayString.java:42)
at Unknown.jHb(StackTraceCreator.java:366)
at Unknown.iS(JSONParser.java:48)
at Unknown.Fyc(DTOParser.java:347)
at Unknown.pGc(LoadActivityDiagramAction.java:65)
at Unknown.Ewc(AbstractRESTAction.java:86)
at Unknown.nN(Request.java:287)
at Unknown.VN(RequestBuilder.java:393)
at Unknown.anonymous(XMLHttpRequest.java:258)
at Unknown.kz(Impl.java:146)
at Unknown.anonymous(Impl.java:56)
Please help me regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance...............
Karthikeyan Sekar
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