I'm using WSProvide and WSConsume to create a Web Service client library. Using it on
a Linux machine performs well. Switching to Windows it's ~ 20 times slower.
After several attempts to solve this, e.g. adjusting the memory parameters, I checked the
network traffic having in mind it could by some kind of "timeout" problem while
accessing resources. Using Wireshark I've seen several NetBIOS Name queries like
NBNS Name query NB JBOSS-4.2.2.GA<00>
NBNS Name query NB LOG4J.JAR;C<00>
NBNS Name query NB MAIL.JAR;C<00>
All of them get the Answer
NBNS Name query response, Requested name does not exist
As a first-try workaround I've deactivated NetBIOS over TCP/IP in the Network settings
and it's fast as expected.
But, what is the reason for this? Why NBNS queries for JBOSS-4.2.2.GA?
Is there any better way to solve this, e.g. a Java option to deactivate NetBIOS requests?
Thanks in advance
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