Thanks for the update.
The problem seems to be that spring-web.jar is included in both the web app and the
deployer, where it does not really belong. Try removing the spring-web.jar from the
deployer and give it another try.
I'll fix the build not to it.
Generally speaking, try to make sure that you have the spring jars included only in one
place (shared libs, deployer, war) and they're visible enough to the component that
you want to use them (e.g. if you don't use the deployer, you can put them in the war,
if you use the deployer put them in the deployer or shared, etc). The reason why we
include a minimal set of jars in the distribution is that this is what you would need to
get things running out of the box, if the only thing you need to do is provide an xml to
do the bean wiring, but you can use different other setups, as per above, to match your
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