Zeca9 ... [
https://community.jboss.org/people/zeca9] created the discussion
"JBPM 5.4 - send signal event to reusable subprocess"
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I've a main process with a reusable subprocess:
The reusable subprocess calls a process that has a catch signal event.
When I launch the Main, I save the process instance id (idMain) in my own DB. But I don´t
know anything about the id of the subprocess. That's the problem.
Because I'm using the same session to start all the main process, when I want to
signal the event whitin the subprocess for one single instance, i can't just do:
+ksession.signalEvent(event, params);+
because that will trigger all the instances and not just one.
I tried to pass the id of the main (parent process) using the command:
+ksession.signalEvent(event, params, idMain);+
but nothings happens.
I also found that this works
+ksession.signalEvent(event, params, idSubprocess);+
but like I said, I don't have the idSubprocess.
Another way i tried was trying to transform the signalRef attribute unique using a
variable (id_main) in the invocation of the subprocess, that will be used in the parameter
signalRef=event.#{id_main}. Didn't work beacuse the value wasn't replaced.
Can anyone point me to the right direction?
Is any way to get the idSubProcess knowing only the IdMain?
Or is a way to use a script task before the signal event just to update the signalEvent
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