I checked out JBM2 code from SVN (revision 6038) and did the following:
- Build the code.
- Installed the build to 2 different Linux servers.
- Configured the cluster (I set the tag "clustered" to true).
- Configured a valid multicast ip address.
- I saw that the "rmi.server.hostname" was not injected so I added the following
to "run.sh" to fix the issue "-Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
Then I started both servers - all the examples were working fine in both nodes (servers)
except the ClusteredQueueExample.
[TextMessage message2 = (TextMessage) messageConsumer.receive(5000);] message2 was null
which means the cluster didnt work for me.
Could you please tell me what I am missing?
I set the logging to DEBUG mode but didnt see significant information about the cluster
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