Max Rydahl Andersen [] modified the blog
" Adding some grease to JBoss Tools 3.3 M3 "
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It's time for a new fresh milestone update of JBoss Tools:
h4. 3.3 M3 (Greased Lightning)
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JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the
support that exist for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution.
For this release we continue to move Maven, CDI, Java EE support forward and also add in a
few new "surprise" features.
h2. Installation
As always, get and install Eclipse
3.7 (Indigo) JEE bundle - with the JEE bundle you majority of the dependencies letting you
save bandwidth:
Once you have installed Eclipse, you either find us on Eclipse Marketplace under
"JBoss Tools (Indigo)" or use our update site directly.
The updatesite URL to use from Help > Install New Software... is:
h3. Maven Profile Selection
In this release we've therefore included an UI which allows you to easily set/change
the profiles on single and multiple projects.
This is especially something that becomes useful when you use Arquillian where it is a
common practice to use Maven profiles to toggle the various dependency sets for each
server you wish to test against.
It works by you selecting the relevant project(s), press *Ctrl+Alt+P* or use *Maven >
Select Maven Profiles...* and then a dialog box allowing you to enable/disable the
available profiles for the project(s):
h3. Easier Remote Debugging
Ever been tired of having to manually configure ports, projects and source path lookups
for debugging on Remote Applications in Eclipse ?
We are, especially after we learned that JVM's running on Hotspot provides API to
discover such applications and allow for easy configuration of your debugger. In this
release we've thus added a command available from *Debug As... > Remote Java
Application*... in the context menu on any set of resources.
Once you select this command we use the Hotspot API to discover the remote running
applications, allow you to select which you application want to connect to and then we do
the tedious work of configuring the ports, names and source code lookups (including maven
dependencies if applicable) for your Remote debugging.
No need for manual tweaking anymore.
Thanks to Aslak Knutsen for bringing us the idea
and initial code to make this happen!
h3. Running Server Detection
The server adapters now attempt to detect if a server is already running to avoid port
conflicts and UI inconcistencies. If a server is detected running you are shown a dialog
allowing you to choose to either have the server adapter assume it is already running or
force the launch anyway.
h3. CDI & Seam Solder
The CDI tooling add a bunch of quickfixes to have JBoss Tools fix common issues. To aid in
searching and navigating your CDI application Find References (*Ctrl+Shift+G*) will now
show the full list of injection points and EL usage of your beans and Seam Solder and
Config annotations and XML now have easy hyperlink navigation to it's declarations.
h3. @ManagedBean's
The JSF tooling now detects @ManagedBean annotations. This avoids false warnings/errors
when importing JSF 2 examples. Do consider using @Named instead for better integration
into the JavaEE stack.
h3. SAR Projects
For a long time we have been asked about providing support for SAR style projects for use
on older versions of JBoss AS. This style of project packaging is now supported both in
pure WTP style projects and via Maven.
h3. GWT Tools are back
Since last time Google released their GWT eclipse plugin in a version that supports
Eclipse 3.7 allowing us to reenable the GWT Tools.
h3. And more...
There are additional bugfixes and more features to browse over at http:// What's New
& Noteworthy
Like the new features ? Leave a comment to let us know!
And by all means,
Have fun!
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