Darryl Baker [
http://community.jboss.org/people/dpbaker57] created the discussion
"The warning message stomp out."
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I'm new to being a web admin. As a system admin I didn't like spurious messages in
my logs and did what was needed to get rid of them.
I've joined a company as a Unix/Web admin. They have beed using JBoss for several
years. I fined during the JBoss startup several warning messages on ever installation they
have. I know they are not causing functional problems but my version of OCD requires me to
try to fix them.
Most of the deployed environments are 4.0.5 but we are in the process of moving the latest
implementation of our software to 6.0. So I would like to set the configuration
instruction for new environments such that these messages never occur. I have already
fixed a simple log4j file issue and a Jakarta plugin issue. Now I'd like to fix some
other message the first is this series:
[ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name nobody-has-this-role used in an
<auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
16:14:43,566 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/,
16:14:43,676 INFO [ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name nobody-has-this-role used
in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
16:14:43,770 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossws,
16:14:43,879 INFO [ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name nobody-has-this-role used
in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
16:14:44,035 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossmq-httpil,
16:14:44,113 INFO [ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name nobody-has-this-role used
in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
16:14:45,145 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console,
16:14:45,363 INFO [ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name nobody-has-this-role used
in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
Which I think should be fixable by defining a security role in
server/myserver/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/conf/web.xml but I don't understand how
to do that well enough. I'm also not sure how to debug my attempts.
The next error message is:
[STDERR] The developer file [null] does not exist and will not be used.
Obviously we are not using a developer file but what is it? What are the possible values?
Where should it be set? Since we are not using it how do I set it to a value that does not
break the applications yet has the eqivalent effect as now but without an error message.
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