Hi all,
I'm having a rather large issue at the moment with JBoss Tools.
Basically what's happening is that it is not finding all my SEAM components. It only
finds about 9 of my SEAM components and then stops.
I have well over 100 SEAM components and they just arn't showing up.
This means my auto complete in xhtml files is no longer working and SEAM validation is not
working cause it doesn't find my other SEAM beans.
I tried completely rebuilding my workspace. I rechecked out my codebase... I've wasted
a lot of time trying to get this working again. (Yes it was working)
Someone checked in a .project file with the SEAM builder disabled. Ever since then
I've had this problem. Reverting to my old .project file did not fix this. I was able
to trick it into finding my SEAM beans by renaming my root package (but this is not a
solution I can use). After renaming the package it seemed to do a full scan and pick up my
SEAM beans. HOWEVER, it still doesn't find the SEAM beans inside the SEAM libs.
I am using:
Eclipse 3.4.1
JBoss Tools 3.0.0.CR1-R200812191611
Here is my .project file
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <projectDescription>
| <name>gekko</name>
| <comment></comment>
| <projects>
| </projects>
| <buildSpec>
| <buildCommand>
| <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
| <arguments>
| </arguments>
| </buildCommand>
| <buildCommand>
| <name>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ExternalToolBuilder</name>
| <triggers>auto,full,incremental,</triggers>
| <arguments>
| <dictionary>
| <key>LaunchConfigHandle</key>
| </dictionary>
| </arguments>
| </buildCommand>
| <buildCommand>
| <name>org.jboss.tools.seam.core.seambuilder</name>
| <arguments>
| </arguments>
| </buildCommand>
| </buildSpec>
| <natures>
| <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
| <nature>com.atlassw.tools.eclipse.checkstyle.CheckstyleNature</nature>
| <nature>org.jboss.tools.seam.core.seamnature</nature>
| </natures>
| <linkedResources>
| <link>
| <name>gekko-build-exploded</name>
| <type>2</type>
| <locationURI>GEKKO_BUILD/exploded</locationURI>
| </link>
| <link>
| <name>gekko-build-services-classes-prod</name>
| <type>2</type>
| <locationURI>GEKKO_BUILD/gekko-services/classes/prod</locationURI>
| </link>
| <link>
| <name>gekko-build-services-classes-test</name>
| <type>2</type>
| <locationURI>GEKKO_BUILD/gekko-services/classes/test</locationURI>
| </link>
| <link>
| <name>gekko-build-web-classes-prod</name>
| <type>2</type>
| <locationURI>GEKKO_BUILD/gekko-web/classes/prod</locationURI>
| </link>
| <link>
| <name>gekko-build-web-classes-test</name>
| <type>2</type>
| <locationURI>GEKKO_BUILD/gekko-web/classes/test</locationURI>
| </link>
| </linkedResources>
| </projectDescription>
I also tried going back to an older version of Eclipse and JBoss tools and that worked.
Can someone tell me what I need to do to fix this? Otherwise I'm just probly gona
switch to using InteliJ.
Thanks for any help.
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