I have my ears something like this,
myEjbs.jar expose only local interfaces, When I deploy both ear files in same jboss
instance, MyEar1.ear will be deployed succesfully. When server tries to deploy MyEar2.ear
it fails because it cannot deploy myEjbs.ar since same ejb(s) with same jndi are already
deployed in MyEar1.ear.
Exact exception I am getting is,
javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=MySession,service=EJB
already registered.
My question here is, In JBoss, You cannot deploy same ejbs with same local jndi names
across multiple ears???
However same hierarchy works fine in Weblogic.
In jboss "Local Ejb" means local to server instance (hence you cannot have same
ejb with same jndi across ears ) In case of Weblogic, "Local Ejb" means local to
EAR. or I am wrong ???
I am using , JBoss 4.2.0 CP06, EJB2
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