bpmn2user [
http://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user] created the discussion
"Re: Integrating TaskService with jbpm-console"
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I have integrated this human task as part of jbpm-console mainly for the following
* I do not need to maintain another job to run human task and the installation becomes
simply dropping the war files in Tomcat.
* I can use Tomcat logs to see if there is any problem in calling Humantasks from Tomcat
Anyway, here are the details if any one wants to integate with Tomcat6.
Modify web.xml in jbpm-console's war file to include a human task startup servlet.
+ <servlet-name>HumanTaskStartupServlet</servlet-name>+
+ <servlet-class>com.sample.HumanTaskStartupServlet</servlet-class>+
+ <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>+
+ </servlet>+
+ <servlet-mapping>+
+ <servlet-name>HumanTaskStartupServlet</servlet-name>+
+ <url-pattern>/HumanTaskStartupServlet/*</url-pattern>+
+ </servlet-mapping>+
Copy the humantask compiled class to WEB-INF/classes diectory of jbpm-console
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