baecks [] created the discussion
"Question: Running JBPM on JBOSS AS 6"
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I want to run an JEE(6) application on my JBOSS AS 6 server using JBPM 3 (incl.
persistence to MySQL DB). I want this app to be scalable, support clustering, workflow
resume after restart etc. From what I read on various JBOSS documents and other sites, the
best way to do so is use the jbpm-enterprise.ear. So I tried getting that to work, but
have several issues. So I hope some experts on this formum could provide answers to the
questions below:
1/ Is there a (newbie) tutorial on how to get the ear deployed on JBOSS AS 6 and use I.
The ear as-is can't be deployed on AS6 due to a syntax error in a TLD file or so
(JBOSS AS log).
2/ Is using the command bean in the ear the right way to do this?
3/ Is there a tutorial available on ear file usage and Hibernate persistence, CMP,
transactions etc ?
4/ Are there any design patterns for development of a JEE(6) app using JBPM 3 in eclipse?
5/ What about JBPM5 and eclipse. Would JBPM5 be the better choice to start with? I read
that the tools for eclipse still don't support version 5 and that the version
hasn't reached the maturity of version 3 yet.
All help is really appreciated.
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