JBoss configuration:
* JBoss/Tomcat with a web app, clustered using ehcache (not JBoss caching -- but
that's not important). 5 JBoss instances in the cluster.
* Apache mod_jk-based loadbalancing with sticky sessions
The problem:
How to deply a new version of the webapp *without bringing down JBoss*. We'd like to
upgrade webapp so that
* New sessions get routed to the upgraded version of the webapp
* Existing sessions stay routed to older version of the webapp
* Clients are essentially unaware that upgrade is going on -- URLs to the webapp don't
change, existing sessions continue without interruption, new sessions can be started, app
never appears to come down from a client POV.
Any advise on which load balancer to use to achieve this? Particular brand of hardware or
software? We think we got a handle on JBoss configuration and management, and management
of the distributed caches, but getting we don't have any experience on involving the
load balancer in the mix.
Thanks in advance for any advise, wisdom, revelations, or knowledge!
Best regards,
Brian Maso
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