I tried following these steps to install jbpm3.1.2 to tomcat 5.5.17. It fails for me when
I try to create database.
Here is the error -
[loadidentities] 16:30:32,474 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : beginning hibe
rnate transaction
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] WARN JDBCExceptionReporter : SQL Error: -8
0, SQLState: 08000
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter : socket creati
on error
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG JbpmContext : closing JbpmContext
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG Services : closing service 'persisten
ce': org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceService@ae1cf
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : flushing hiber
nate session
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : closing hibern
ate session
D:\Java\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2\jbpm\build.deploy.xml:50: org.hibernate.exceptio
n.JDBCConnectionException: Cannot open connection
I appreciate if anyone can help me here. Thank you.
- Meghana
"diwa_pv" wrote : hi,
| Even i faced the same problem while deploying the 3.1 version of jbpm on tomcat! but
finally made it on tomcat.
| My tomcat version was 5.x and used Oracle 9i as backend!
| Here are the steps i followed to deploy 3.1 version of jbpm on tomcat.
| Download jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1 from Jboss site
| Deploy jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1\jbpm-server\server\jbpm\deploy\jbpm.war into tomcat
| Copy hibernate.cfg.xml from jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1\jbpm\src\config.files to ur
| Run ant task for creating database tables and data from
| ( ant create.db ?buildfile build.deploy.xml)
| Add few jars to lib folder of your application.
| Start tomcat.
| Start jbpm application.
| thanks and regards
| diwa
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