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A new message was posted in the thread "Adding JBoss AS source to a project":
Author : Denis Golovin
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john.waterwood wrote:
This external archive is possible, but takes us back to square one. As others pointed
out, it's quite hard to match the right jar in Eclipse to the right source jar in the
Jboss source archive.
I would try to give eclipse a chanse to handle that for us
considering we have an implememntation that uderstands sources packaged as zips, but I
cannot find any thirdparty sources in source archive for jboss-4.2.2.GA.
john.waterwood wrote:
There are also many jar files containing jboss source code as jars in the thirdparty
folder. For the end user it is very hard to understand why this is I think.
looking at boss-4.2.2.GA sources (just one I have locally), I've checked several jars
from thirdpaty folder and haven't seen any sources. Is that true for all releases or
only for last ones?
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