Rajesh P [
https://community.jboss.org/people/javalearner] created the discussion
"Re: how do we assign the rejected tasks to initiator in Approval flow."
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Hi Maciej Swiderski,
I am sorry for the late reply.
Thanks a lot for your reply, Maciej.
As you suggested, I can have task for Initiator but my question is who is going to start
the process?
Please let me know if i am missing any thing.
Please find the attached bpmnn file which i have designed for approval process.
I have few more thoughts
I would like to have User task in the rejection flow and pass the persons Id, who
started the process, as actor id to the User Task.
Suggest me is it a right approach?
Can i signal the approval flow after rejection?
Correct if i am wrong.
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