"bsmithjj" wrote : I don't believe wrong is the correct term to describe the
situation, rather, from your (Seam team) perspective, you provide examples that are based
on 'things' being in places in the Seam 2.0.0.CR(X) distribution. Thus, jars like
"jboss-embedded-all.jar" are not truly all. I say that because I had to
discover (the hard way) that I needed to add jboss-embedded-api.jar and
jboss-deployers.jar to my repo and test-scoped dependencies to my pom.xml.
Yes, the "official" maven support for Seam isn't well documented. This is
because it is new and needs help from the community (e.g. blog articles, patches to the
docs) - by using Maven with Seam you are
pushing the boundaries.
Now, useful information rather than me just pointing out the obvious ;)
You are depending on org.jboss.embedded jboss-embedded to get embedded support? The
transitive dependencies on this are
| -> hibernate-all
| -> thirdparty-all
| -> jboss-embedded-all
| -> jboss-embedded-api
| -> jboss-deployers
So that should pull all the dependencies for booting the embedded container. This should
be *easier* than setting up the classpath in ant as you have a well defined set of
anonymous wrote : No, this is not in the Seam 2.0.0.CR3 docs - I double checked. I'm
guessing your ant scripts build up classpaths using the lib and the lib/test directories
in the distro and so it's easy to miss this kind of thing. I also just discovered
that I need to add hibernate-commons-annotations.jar to my test-scoped dependencies, and
thus, again, hibernate-all.jar is not truly all. It would be nice if the 'all'
jars were truly 'all'. ;-)
Things become truly messy with embedded if you need newer bits of hibernate than come with
embedded. Yes, embedded is a source of pain, we need to improve this.
The version of hibernate in hibernate-all doesn't depend on
hibernate-commons-annotations (it's an older hibernate) but Seam's compile
dependencies are newer than that.
anonymous wrote : I also needed to learn the jboss embedded container layout a bit; this
is so that I could put appropriate maven2 testResource instructions into my pom(s) and
reproduce the bootstrap directory layout. And... I needed to figure out that I need to
copy my target/classes contents to the bootstrap deploy dir (I haven't figured out how
to get the bootstrap to treat target/classes as part of the classpath).
You should just be able to add all of this to the classpath when run tests - thats what we
do with Ant.
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