Well, I'm not sure if you're asking how, in general, to make an invocation on the
JBoss Application Server, or if you already know how to use, say, AS 4.2 and want to know
how to do the same with AS 5.
If it's the former, then there's a tutorial written by John Mazzitelli called
"Introducing JBoss Remoting" at
It's somewhat old, so you should check the details against a current version of the
Remoting Guide (e.g.,
For example, "xmbean-dd" in the MBean declaration is archaic. For a current
example of a Remoting server configuration, see the MBean called
"jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket" in
If your question is the latter, well, then, everything that works in AS 4.2 should
continue to work in AS 5. In particular, MBean declarations will still be recognized.
However, AS 5 also supports the configuration of ordinary POJOs, and Remoting 2.4/2.5 has
updated its server side configuration to use declarations of
org.jboss.remoting.ServerConfiguration instances. See, for example,
I hope that helps. And, of course, we'd be happy if you want to contribute a
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