Thomas Victor [] replied to the discussion
"Query task with variables"
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Hi HuiSheng Xu,
Thank you very much for replying to my post.
The way in which it works is described below.
I added the jbpm mappings to my persistence.xml. Please see the configuration below. So
that my persistence unit contains the jbpm tables also. So I can use jbpm objects along
with my domain objects in JPA.
The query is given below
entityManager.createQuery("SELECT new
com.imagitek.prodagioap.workflow.invoice.InvoiceTask(task, invoice) from
org.jbpm.api.task.Task task, org.jbpm.pvm.internal.type.Variable var,
com.imagitek.prodagioap.entity.ImInvoice invoice where var.execution=task.execution and").getResultList();
This works because I know my variable will be a long data type.
? Right now I have a separate jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml which is supplied by jbpm4. I am
using this configuration also. Ultimately I want to use only the JPA configuration for
everything. I want to get rid of the jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml file. While creating the
process engine I was able to supply hibernateSessionFactory which is provided by jpa/seam
to the process engine. Then I was able to get rid of the jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml. but the
problem was that no data was persisted to the database. But all the rules, events etc were
getting fired. I assume I am missing some transaction related stuff. Can please tell me
what are the things I need to do to persist the data.
Thanks & Regards
Thomas Victor
<persistence-unit name="prodagioAP" transaction-type="JTA">
<!-- <mapping-file>jbpm.identity.hbm.xml</mapping-file>-->
<property name="hibernate.dialect"
<property name=""
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>
<property name=""
<property name=""
<property name=""
<property name=""
<property name=""
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