Ryan Peterson [
http://community.jboss.org/people/rrpeterson] created the discussion
"Re: Why is my kruntime null?"
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I'm running into this exact exception today trying to implement process migration
via: WorkflowProcessInstanceUpgrader.upgradeProcessInstance()
During the migration, a call is made to getProcess() within ProcessInstanceImpl:
| | public Process getProcess() { |
| | if (this.process == null) { |
| | this.process = kruntime.getKnowledgeBase().getProcess(processId); |
| | } |
| | return this.process; |
| | } |
kruntime is null internally.
Based on a different poster's experience I tried removing Bitronix as the transaction
manager by commenting out the following:
I "think" it works, but I get an error further along in the conversion about
being unable to cast CommandBasedStatefulKnowledgeSession to InternalKnowledgeRuntime.
Not sure if this is helpful to you...
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