Michael Tarullo [
https://community.jboss.org/people/mtarullo463] created the discussion
"Deployed web service instantiated twice on AS startup"
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I have a very simple service I was using to test the behavior of the constructor of a web
service implementation class. I wanted to see if the implementation class constructor was
called on startup of the AS when the service is deployed (I have not tested for hot
deploy). The attached is a part of the JBoss log file for this start-up test. Note that
the output messages are displayed twice. Was my implmentation class instantiated twice?
If so, why? If not, why are the messages from the constructor displayed twice?
Also, in this section of the log file I see two messages labeled
[AddressRewritingEndpointInfo], one with the URL of my endpoint as defined in my WSDL
and .xml config files and another with the port changed to port 8080. Can anyone explain
what is going on with this?
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