devora Mar.... [] created the discussion
"Boundary event jbpm5.0 problem"
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I followed TimerBoundaryEvent example and wrote the following code:
<process processType="Private" isExecutable="true"
id="test" name="test.b" >
<!-- nodes -->
<boundaryEvent id="_5" name="TimerEvent"
attachedToRef="_8" >
<timeCycle xs:type="tFormalExpression">10ms</timeCycle>
<scriptTask id="_6" name="Script"
scriptFormat="" >
<endEvent id="_7" name="End2" />
<subProcess id="_8" name="Sub-Process" >
<!-- nodes -->
<startEvent id="_8-1" name="Start" />
<scriptTask id="_8-2" name="Script"
scriptFormat="" >
<scriptTask id="_8-3" name="Script"
scriptFormat="" >
<endEvent id="_8-4" name="EscalationEvent" />
<!-- connections -->
<sequenceFlow id="_8-1-_8-2" sourceRef="_8-1"
targetRef="_8-2" />
<sequenceFlow id="_8-2-_8-3" sourceRef="_8-2"
targetRef="_8-3" />
<sequenceFlow id="_8-3-_8-4" sourceRef="_8-3"
targetRef="_8-4" />
<startEvent id="_9" name="Start" />
<endEvent id="_10" name="End" >
<!-- connections -->
<sequenceFlow id="_5-_6" sourceRef="_5"
targetRef="_6" />
<sequenceFlow id="_6-_7" sourceRef="_6"
targetRef="_7" />
<sequenceFlow id="_9-_8" sourceRef="_9"
targetRef="_8" />
<sequenceFlow id="_8-_10" sourceRef="_8"
targetRef="_10" />
See the attached picture as well.
However, the timer event is not being executed!
I see that only the system.out of System.out.println("UP"); is being invoked -
which has before thread sleep of 15 ms, and the timer which has 10ms is not being invoked
as all!
What's wrong?
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