spyhunter99 [
https://community.jboss.org/people/spyhunter99] created the discussion
"Bizarre Serialization Problem"
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I'm looking at WS-Discovery, which is a UDP SOAP over multicast based protocol that is
similar to UDDI, except way similier and it's adhoc. In the Java world, there's
only one implementation that I've found which is here
http://code.google.com/p/java-ws-discovery/ http://code.google.com/p/java-ws-discovery/.
I can get the samples to run correctly in outside of the Jboss world and it works as
advertised. Basically, there is a service that listens for "Probe" messages on
UDP and replies to the requestor based on the search criteria. Cool.
The problem I ran into boils down to a serialization issue. Escentially, when I run
outside of Jboss, it's using the standard default JDK soap libraries, aka Sun's
JAXB serializers, message factories and marshallers. In Jboss, it's actually creating
JbossWS classes which fill these roles. For everything I've done up until now, this
have been just fine with this arrangement. Enter WS-Discovery (at least this guys
First, some implementation details that are worth mentioning and are important to
understanding the problem. It's not SOAP over HTTP, it's over UDP which means this
guys library serializes the message, then writes it to transport. In order to facilitate
this, the author created a custom class which has functions such as getSOAPmessage and
getSOAPbody etc with a toString function that serializes the message. The problem is
related to how the message is structured and as you can imagine, using the JDK's
classes it correctly serializes but with the JbossWS classes it does not. Specifically,
the part with the search results is null under JbossWS.
It appears that the actually loading of the JAXB specific stuff happens with this line,
which unfortunately doesn't leave me with any flexiblity as far as forcing it to the
JDK's vs JbossWS.
MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance(soapProtocol);
At the point of serialization, the SOAP message itself is
Long story short, there is a way to force the class loading from a specific instance to
use Sun's JDK? Or perhaps would it be better if I found either an alternative
implementation or write my own.
Esscentially what I would like to do is to write a JAX-WS handler which does a web service
callout using WS-Discovery to find the correct url, thus eliminating the need for
configuration files. It obviously would need to work in a variety of soap stacks, more
than just JbossWS and Sun's default implementation.
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