Michael Holtzman [
http://community.jboss.org/people/michaelholtzman] created the
"JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION table 'losing' rows in Oracle"
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Greetings. We are seeing some odd behavior with jBPM 3.1.2 and Oracle.
For no particular reason (that we can see), the JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION table is missing
rows. A user will attempt to instantiate a process instance, and jBPM will claim that the
definition does not exist. If the defintion is redeployed, everything is fine.
We maintain our own table of deployment history. So according to our table, the current
version of the named definition is 6, but deploying to jBPM returns the current version as
3, or 1, or whatever, when we are expecting the new version to be 7.
More important than the cause of this problem would be how to recover. We have the history
of deployments (including the xml representation of the definition). We could redeploy the
missing versions, but the new ProcessDefinition objects would have the wrong ID_ property.
Is it possible to specifiy a target ID_ or change the ID_ of a ProcessDefinition?
Anyone have any insight into what might be causing the problem? We suspect that copying
and/or upgrading the database is the culprit but we've done that dozens of times
without a problem. Also, any ideas on recovery would be great.
Mike Holtzman
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