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A new message was posted in the thread "Problems with concurrency":
Author : Jorge Ruiz
Profile :
Hello, I have a seam 2.1.2 app running on Jboss AS 4.2.3 with MySQL 5.0 on a HP Blade
Server with 22G RAM and Intel Xeon 2.66GHz x4 cpu
I have set max connections for mysql y app config to 3000
i have set max threads for jboss to 3000 too
I am monitoring my app using web-console, this shows that the value currentThreadsBusy may
vary between 100 and 900
but, still, app runs really slow on when current threds are above 350 (when there's
hight concurrency). In these cases mysql uses 1 core, and jboss uses 2.5 cores from the
Intel Xeon (according to top command on linux)
am i missing something? why is it still slow?
any help would be really appreciated
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