I'm currently thinking about using JBoss AOP but i can't seem to get by this
issue. I cannot read the parameter annotations of methods w/ a pointcut annotation.
Here's the code i'm using:
| <aop>
| <aspect class="test.aop.aspects.LockAspect"/>
| <bind pointcut="all((a)test.aop.annotations.WriteLock)">
| <advice name="writeLock"
| </bind>
| <bind pointcut="all((a)test.aop.annotations.ReadLock)">
| <advice name="readLock"
| </bind>
| </aop>
java code:
| @ReadLock
| public static People getPerson(@FirmId Integer firmId, Integer personId) {
| return peopleMap.get(firmId).get(personId);
| }
When i try to read the parameter annotation @FirmId through
method.getParameterAnnotations() i get 0 length arrays for each param. When i change
@ReadLock to, say, @Deprecated, I can read the parameter annotation correctly. I'm
wondering if the loadtime byte code weaving(?) is doing something to the annotation. Any
help is greatly appreciated. I'm pretty new to this stuff so i may be missing
something obvious...
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