Simon Del Fabbro [] created the discussion
"Transacted webservices"
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I have a couple questions which crosses over a couple of JBoss groups, but it is mainly
related to web services.
I have a web service method which reads off a JMS message off from websphere MQ and the
client writes the response to a database. I want the reading of the message from the queue
and the writing of the data to database to be performed as a single transaction. So I set
about achieving this with WS-Atomic (and I also tried WS-BusinessActivity). I followed the
samples [1] and got something working (minus the integration with Websphere) in my dev
environment. When I tested in an environment which simulates the live environment, it
failed to work because the server on which web service was being invoked couldn't
communciate to the JBoss instance ("the client") calling the web service because
the client was behind a firewall. On debugging and a bit research, I realise that
(obviously) sychronous communication is necessary [2] for participant registration and
So my first question is, is it possible to enable the communication back to the client to
be performed over the connection established by the client to the server i.e. duplex
communication like Web sockets? I doubt whether this would be possible given that
HttpURLConnection that is probably being used by the client to make the call would not
support Web sockets. I have considered creating a SSL tunnel from the "client"
machine to the server, but this is not feasible at all deployments.
Another question I wanted to ask is whether the client calling a transacted web service
needs to be performed from within JBoss? I assume it has to because of the participant
registration and coordination stuff.
As an alternative solution to using WS-*, I implemented 2 web service methods (commit,
rollback) which the client calls after writing the response to the database. On the server
side, the read message web service method created a (transacted) session, read the
message, spawned a thread (which had a reference to the JMS session), created a UUID as a
transaction id and returned both the tx id and message back to the client. The spawned
thread blocked (with timeout) and on receipt of either the commit and rollback web service
methods, the thread was woken up and the JMS session was either committed or rolled back.
Not exactly atomic, but it meant messages from the queue weren't lost and the
possibility of duplicates was acceptable. I tested this with Hornet as the JMS
implementation and it worked fine. But once I tried it with Websphere it didn't work
because 1. the connection obtained from the factory was not transacted (despite using
QueueConnection.createQueueSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)) and 2. if I created a
LocalTransaction, it is bound to the current thread.
I then looked into a solution where the transactional context is contained in a separate
thread and I thought I came across the solution with,
but this not available for general use in JBoss 7.1.1 [3].
I have looked at using an EJB (3.1) asynchronous method [4] in conjunction with the above
solution I have outlined, but I don't think that will work either.
The situation I have encountered doesn't sound like a unique problem and I am certain
there is solution or a practical work around this problem. I don't particularly want
to reinvent something that is most likely solved. I would appreciate some advice/feedback.
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