Hy all.
I don't anderstand why there's such a difference between page.xml navigation and
pageflow navigation... It sucks!!!!
My problem is:
i have a list of element and i want to edit one of them.
When i use page.xml to navigate between the list page and the edit page, there's no
problem to get the instance of the objet i want to edit.
Seam generator do it well.
In my listPage.xhtml, there's table of instance and a parameter define like this
<f:param name="historyId" value="#{history.id}"/>
in the link definition
<s:link view="/#{empty from ? 'History' : from}.xhtml"
| value="Select"
| id="history">
| <f:param name="historyId"
| value="#{history.id}"/>
| </s:link>
In my destiantion page.xml, i retrieve this parameter define like this
<param name="historyId" value="#{historyHome.historyId}"/>
and then, used in my destination page like this
<h:outputText value="#{historyHome.instance.startDate}">
When i want to replace all page.xml by one navigation pageflow, i replace all of this by:
<s:link action="consultHistory"
| value="Select"
| id="history">
f:param is the same
h:outputText is the same too
and in my pageflow i do this:
<page name="gestionProject"
| <redirect/>
| <transition to="consultHistory" name="consultHistory" >
| <param name="historyId"
| </transition>
| </page>
| <page name="consultHistory"
| <redirect/>
| <transition to="gestionProject"
| </page>
but i do not retrieve anything...
I also try
<page name="gestionProject"
| <redirect/>
| <transition to="consultHistory" name="consultHistory" >
| </transition>
| </page>
| <page name="consultHistory"
| <param name="historyId"
| <redirect/>
| <transition to="gestionProject"
| </page>
but it doesn't work as well...
What's wrong with that?????
I try to find somme help in the samples projets of seam 2.0, but only numberguess use
pageflow, and there's no direct transmission between pages...
And when i do something like this
<s:link action="consultProject"
| value="Select"
| id="project">
| <f:param name="projectId"
| </s:link>
without any parameter definition in the pageflow only the last instance is transmit to the
next page, even if i click on the first one...
What is the solution??? Please...
here is the complete table code
<rich:dataTable id="projectList"
| var="project"
| value="#{projectList.resultList}"
| rendered="#{not empty projectList.resultList}"
| onRowMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#F1F1F1'"
| <h:column name="idProject">
| <f:facet name="header">
| <s:link styleClass="columnHeader"
| value="id #{projectList.order=='id asc' ?
messages.down : ( projectList.order=='id desc' ? messages.up : ''
| <f:param name="order"
value="#{projectList.order=='id asc' ? 'id desc' : 'id
| </s:link>
| </f:facet>
| #{project.id}
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">
| <s:link styleClass="columnHeader"
| value="history id
#{projectList.order=='history.id asc' ? messages.down : (
projectList.order=='history.id desc' ? messages.up : '' )}">
| <f:param name="order"
value="#{projectList.order=='history.id asc' ? 'history.id desc' :
'history.id asc'}"/>
| </s:link>
| </f:facet>
| #{project.history.id}
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">
| <s:link styleClass="columnHeader"
| value="idMantis #{projectList.order=='idMantis
asc' ? messages.down : ( projectList.order=='idMantis desc' ? messages.up :
'' )}">
| <f:param name="order"
value="#{projectList.order=='idMantis asc' ? 'idMantis desc' :
'idMantis asc'}"/>
| </s:link>
| </f:facet>
| #{project.idMantis}
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">
| <s:link styleClass="columnHeader"
| value="title #{projectList.order=='title
asc' ? messages.down : ( projectList.order=='title desc' ? messages.up :
'' )}">
| <f:param name="order"
value="#{projectList.order=='title asc' ? 'title desc' : 'title
| </s:link>
| </f:facet>
| #{project.title}
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">action</f:facet>
| <s:link action="consultProject"
| value="Select"
| id="project">
| <f:param name="projectId"
| </s:link>
| </h:column>
| </rich:dataTable>
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