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A new message was posted in the thread "Exception handling in JBPM4 ?":
Author : Atul Joshi
Profile :
I have changed the process design as follows.1. Instead of System Activity call Sub
Process, name as "Sub_process_catch_Exception" ,
2. In this sub process Instead of calling the system activity add Decision activity
(Implement Business Logic in decision instead of SystemActiviy),
3. If Decision activity executed successfully then
Sub Process will end Else Forward control to next activity (i.e. State Node.)End if1.
Trigger Wait (State Node) activity after resolving the exception by using the execution Id
of the activity
Please refer the attached code.** *Advantage:*1. I am able to implement *Retry, Skip, Max
No. of Retries and timeout* for all JAVA activities present in my Workflow design, using
this common solution,
*Disadvantage:*1. I have almost completed my workflow design, if I want to implement
Exception Handling I need to change my design *from scratch*,
Suggest me if i can do better to handle exceptions in JBPM4?
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