Edin Joselyn [
https://community.jboss.org/people/edinsamuel] created the discussion
"Invocation of a Web service using invokeAsync calls invoke method"
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I have an issue with my client in JBoss calling a web service defined in Adobe Life cycle.
I want to call the invokeAsync method from my client and I'm using the following code
to call the invokeAsync method in the web service.
ARDocsImportProcessesCiderSend8130Service service = new
ARDocsImportProcessesCiderSend8130 port = service.getSend8130();
String pid = port.invokeAsync(document, metadata);
But, eventually, the JBoss JAX-WS internally calls the invoke method instead and I get the
exception *"Exception: ALC-DSC-127-000:
com.adobe.idp.dsc.LongLivedInvocationException: The Long Lived Service
ARDocsImport/Processes/Cider/Send8130 can not be invoked synchronously"*
I'm able to call the invokeAsync method in the web service using a standalone program,
but when I'm doing it from within JBoss I'm getting the error as it is internally
calling the invoke method, instead of the invokeAsync method. I'm using JBoss 5.0.0.*
I've also attached the WSDL file. I generated the proxy classes using the wsimport
command available in jdk 1.6.
Please let me know if I'm missing something or something else needs to be done.
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