I am using jboss 4.0.4 version of jboss. I have set up two linux machine and each has
jboss AS installed. Both jboss instances are in cluster.I have used apache 2.0 and mod_jk
for loadbalancing. I have configured according to jboss 4.0.4 document.Both servers are
set up
as node1 and node2 in both loadbalacer.Also i have used stickysession=1 in
worker.properties file.
When both servers are up, my application works fine.
Here is the test case.
When i am browsing my application it is on node2. Now i shut it down node2 gracefully.
when i try to continue my application within couple of seconds, it gives error like bad
request or application doesn't recognized. if i check log on node1, after 15 seconds
node 1 says view accepted (it has list of node in cluster which is just one now ). So to
me this fail over is not smooth.
shouldn't it work even though node2 is down ? if i try after 15 seconds it works
Same scenario happen when i use stickysession=0.
So my case is like if somebody is buying stuff online and customer is on node2 of
cluster and for some reason node2 is down then it should take over instantly (within
milliseconds ) so user's experiance would be smooth otherwise user would
have error page.
Could you please let me know what type of configuration should i setup so i can avoid
this type of problem?
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