Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately, putting the DataModel into PAGE scope
doesn't change anything- selectedOrganization is still NULL in selectOrganization().
I'm stuck in phase two (disillusion) of Gavin's
and seeking insight. I don't see why this finder bean itself should require any
state. Am I wrong? It certainly shouldn't have to around in SESSION scope.
I should have mentioned before, I'm using Seam 1.1.1GA and JBoss 4.0.5
Side Note:
Don't ever set var="org" in a dataTable. Doing so causes Seam to go nuts
searching contexts and it eventually throws an exception because can't find a property
called 'jboss' in the entity bean. Should I report this as a bug? I'd be
happy to provide a test case. Using var="o" changes the behavior
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