amir rezei [] created the discussion
"How can I set the size of designer"
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Hi ,
I used standalone designer , in my xhtml i used an ifram tag such as below :
<iframe id="myIframe"
domain="localhost" style="width: 100%; height: 580px" />
in this case there is no problem to open the designer into the iframe tag .
but my issue is the size of html that will be load in my iframe , I visited the HTML
source code of the browser after loading page ,and saw that in my iframe , there is
another iframe that has the size of (width = 1600px , height = 1000px) , so this cause to
scroll my iFrame ,the desinger has its own scroll and my iFrame has scroll so it is a
double-scroll problem
here is an image show the double-scroll problem
this is a bug , because if you scroll down or srcoll right (according to the above
picture) and click on canvas , the convas hope to the left-upper of iFrame to show the
top and right menu.
i want to know is there any way to determine the size of internal iFrame ?
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