Please see discussion thread in JBoss Transactions forum, here.
Essentially, the issue is this:
We had a project where we converted from a Swing Client-Server App from WebLogic 8.1
(EJB2) to JBoss 4.2 and were advised by JBoss Consultants onsite that Socket connectors
perform better than RMI and will handle failover better in moving away from a Clustered
environment to multiple servers behind a Virtual IP (using ClientConnectAddress in
jboss-service.xml to spoof clients). So we need to stick with Sockets, if possible,
When we change our org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector in our jboss-service.xml from
transport=socket to transport=rmi, we actually get the behavior we'd hope to see under
socket. (though lose some desired behavior that socket provides)
Under RMI, when the transaction timesout, the client is immediately notified that the
transaction was timedout/rolledback. Under Socket, the thread that is wrapped in the
transaction actually finishes before anything is sent back to the client -- even after the
transaction timed out and rolled back! So the user gets an IllegalStateException returned
after waiting for the entire thread to complete.
Not the best design, but we have always counted on the transaction timeout/rollback error
to notify the client immediately. Imagine a user fires off a query to load a list of
tasks and they accidentally enter in a date range much larger than they intended.
(granted, we could control some more at the client level, but ideally we would make this
conversion to jboss w/o having to change too much of this long-standing code) Under RMI,
we can send a message back to the user after 5 or 10 minutes, so they can see that the
transaction timed out and clean up the query or otherwise try something else.
Under Socket, the behavior is far less desirable. Say the query runs for 12 minutes with
a transaction timeout of 5 minutes. The transaction dies after 5 minutes but the end user
on the client side doesn't receive a notification and instead is left to watch the
status bar bounce for another 7 minutes... and at that time they don't even receive
their result set, they get an IllegalStateException! (we could adjust our timeout, but
that's not what the users are used to and we'd ultimately like to keep some
consistency after the migration from weblogic to jboss)
What can be done to get Socket transport behaving like RMI transport? (i.e. sending a
transaction timeout/rollback exception back to the client)
Thanks much, in advance, for any and all assistance!
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