wqe wqe [
https://community.jboss.org/people/drupalspring] created the discussion
"Re: Multiple dynamic human tasks in jbpm process"
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nbd wrote:
I want to manage in a Jbpm process the following thing:
At some point I want to read a dynamic list of users and send all the users an email with
a link that would resolve a form
that will ask them to confirm something. So at the time of process definition, I
don't know how many users will be there,
and what ids thay would have.
Later on, I have a scheduler that will trigger counting how many users confirmed the form
and who they are.
I imagine the form for each user should be a separate human task with actorId specified
for each user.
I can't come up with a jbpm mechanism to do such a thing using and graphical BPMN
editor. Is there a way
to do this or maybe the only solution is to create the process dynamically using the
Process API?
nbd wrote:
I want to manage in a Jbpm process the following thing:
At some point I want to read a dynamic list of users and send all the users an email with
a link that would resolve a form
that will ask them to confirm something. So at the time of process definition, I
don't know how many users will be there,
and what ids thay would have.
Later on, I have a scheduler that will trigger counting how many users confirmed the form
and who they are.
I imagine the form for each user should be a separate human task with actorId specified
for each user.
I can't come up with a jbpm mechanism to do such a thing using and graphical BPMN
editor. Is there a way
to do this or maybe the only solution is to create the process dynamically using the
Process API?
It seems that 6.5.7. Multi-instance sub-process
http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.3/userguide/ch.core-basics.html#d0e1926) can achieve your
aim . You can refer
this for an example
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