So, a quick analysis might confirm your suspicions of HDScanner doing the scan() "too
soon". I may be confused, of course, but here's my amateur analysis...
While HDScanner itself is a BOOTSTRAP bean, I assume it gets completely start()'d and
running before the DEPLOYER phase.
When start()'d, it scan()'s. Conceivably scanning deploy/ for APPLICATION before
all deployers have been deployed. Hence getChildren(...) on deploy/ not being enabled to
view .rails archives as vfszips. Maybe. :)
Looking at my log timestamps, I see...
| 16:11:20,978 TRACE [HDScanner] Begin deployment scan
Then a while later (5 seconds), my log indicates the JEP installation from my deployer in
the deployers/ directory.
| 16:11:25,860 INFO [RailsStructure] getJarExtension()...
I don't know the implementation of the solution, but seems like some barrier on the
start()/scan() of HDScanner to hold it until the DEPLOYER phase is completely completed,
For now, I can just use ".jar" as an extension.
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