Gaurav Agarwal [] replied to the discussion
"JAAS + EJB3.0 + Jboss unable to propaogate"
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hi ,
As such i have completed with JAAS Authentication & autherization in
enterprise application.
but now the issue is ,
I have my web applicatin where i am accepting user name & password and
validationg that user through login module in one action means calling login method over
login context. the user is authenticated and after calling ejb method in same method
(action method ) i am able to propogate principal and roles in ejb side. but the issue is
the login context wont be over web application, mean to say if i want to call ejb in other
action the previous login context information will not get propogate to ejb side. In that
case i again need to call login method of login context then only the information can be
My question is whether in web we need to create login context or need to call login
context login() method once or with every request of web we need to call login() method.
plz solve this issue ...
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