spyhunter99 [
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"Re: JBoss WS temp file problem"
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Here's what I do. This example comes from a WSN publisher I'm working on.
For the record, I prefer the Microsoft approach for building web services/clients. Read
the wsdl at development time only. Most java stacks read the wsdl at runtime which makes
things challenging at times.
Long story short, put a copy of the wsdl and xsd files into the jar file that creates the
proxy (not necessarily the jar containing the interface classes) in /META-INF
Modify the generated WebServiceClient class to have a static field representing the QName
that defines the service (from the wsdl). More than likely, the Qname is already in the
class, it's just not a public field.
public static QName qname = new QName("
http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/brw-2", "NotificationService");
Modify the code that creates the client proxy object to load the wsdl from META-INF. Both
are required if you need this code to work from with Sun's JDK and OpenJDK
URL wsdl =
if (wsdl == null) {
wsdl =
if (wsdl == null) {
ok = false;
log.log(Level.FATAL, "Unable to obtain a URL for the local wsdl,
publication is not possible");
org.oasis_open.docs.wsn.brw_2.NotificationService ns = new
NotificationService(wsdl, NotificationService.qname);
NotificationBroker notificationPort = ns.getNotificationPort();
Insert the correct endpoint url here
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) notificationPort;
Map<String, Object> context = bp.getRequestContext();
context.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, brokerurl);
hope this helps
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