We have a Sun Webserver 7.0 front end connecting with multiple jBoss 4.4.2 servers using
http connector. Throughout the day we receive multiple offline errors from the Sun
Webserver stating that one of the servers in unresponsive. During these times the number
of connections are under 30 and the jBoss servers are not overburdened.
From our Sun Webserver logs:
[24/Jul/2008:07:17:27] fine
(17169): for host trying to POST /matter/billing/LegalBillSubmit.serv,
attempting to connect to
[24/Jul/2008:07:21:11] fine (17169): for host trying to POST
/matter/billing/LegalBillSubmit.serv, error connecting to (IO time
out error)
We have increased the client connect-timeout in the Sun Webserver and it has not made any
difference. We are wondering is there any way to diagnose http connector issues in jBoss?
Is this a question for tomcat? Any way to debug log the connectors to see what is
occurring? This is only happening in our production environment.
Any advice would be helpful.
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