My stack is as follows :
* JSF 1.2, Facelets, Richfaces 3.2.1
* JAAS - authentication and authorization
* Tomcat 6
Points to note :
1. JAAS is working. I'm able to login into the application.
2. Roles are working. CMA intercepts when I hit a secured resource.
3. Authentication mechanism in web.xml
| <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
| <realm-name>myrealm</realm-name>
| <form-login-config>
| <form-login-page>/faces/login/login.jsf</form-login-page>
| <form-error-page>/faces/login/loginerror.jsf</form-error-page>
| </form-login-config>
| </login-config>
4. What I really want is to inform the user why the login failed :
- wrong user id
- wrong password
- account locked due to too many unsuccessful attempts
How can I do this ?
The My JAAS LoginModule does not have any handle to session/request/JSF messages ?
I don't want a generic login failure page.
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