Yes, both ports 80 and 8080 are listening and the config is in web-inf...that was a typo
on my part :) Nothing else is listening on those ports.
JBoss comes up just fine, I can get to the admin and web console with no problem. I
deleted the root.war and added the <context-root>/</context-root> to the
WEB-INF folder under cfusion. I can also get to the CF admin just fine as well.
All I'm trying to do get a helloworld.cfm file to parse out and I know this will sound
very newbie, but where would I place the coldfusion pages? Would everything go inside the
cfusion.war folder in the JBoss directory?
For example in my Apache config I have the DocumentRoot and Directory set to C:/domains.
Inside that folder are some test CF sites. If I try to hit the
index.html comes up fine but if I try to get a CF page to load it just shows me the code
and not the awesome Hello World! that I would love to see.
I've tried changing the DocRoot to the cfusion folder under JBoss and can hit the CF
page and it works but from outside the box it's a no go.
There will be multiple different domains on this box for the developers to test their
different sites so there will be different virtual hosts configured. But I just have one
site setup and just need one little Hello World!
Yay FullSail!
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