I have the following problem. In our project we are using the standart design - there
is one EntityBean pojo per table, and one Stateless session bean which is working with the
table. We are also using rich clients, which are manipulating the data, i.e.:
| @Entity
| public class SomeObject {
| private Integer id_;
| private String name_;
| @Id
| public void setId( Integer id ) {
| id_ = id;
| }
| public Integer getId() {
| return id_;
| }
| .....
| };
| @Stateless
| public class SomeStatelessBean {
| @PersistenceContext(name = "myname", unitName = "myunit")
| private EntityManager manager;
| public SomeObject getObject() {
| return manager.find(SomeObject.class, id);
| };
| public update( SomeObject detached ) {
| SomeObject obj = manager.find(detached.id);
| obj.setName( detached.getName );
| manager.flush();
| };
| };
In the background there is a Timer Bean which is reading SomeObject information ( it does
not manipulate, just reading ).
The problem is as following. If I am calling update() very often my EntityManger returns
me the old with the getObject() method object, though I am sure that the new copy is in
database (Oracle). Can somebody tell me why does it happen?
There are no exceptions on the server side, just the data is wrong.
Thank you,
Sincerely yours, Konstantin
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