fachhoch con [
https://community.jboss.org/people/fachhoch] created the discussion
"need advice with persistance"
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We want to use jbpm just for worklow and its persistance, we dont want any advance
features like drools , jbpm console etc , all I care is generate my process definition
using eclipse plugin and use api to persists state in database, we want to add jbpm
tables in our database along with other tables, and we use hibernate for persistance.
Is it possible to inject our persistance provider into jbpm ? I know jbpm provides jpa
, the api has all persistance.xml etc, but we are are not using entitymanager to
persist our entities, I need advice on how can I modify jbpm to use a HibernateDAO
also use my transaction manager , we dont want jbpm to run a differnet transaction
please jbpm gurus advice me.
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