Hi Folks.
After several days trying to found a reason to the problem I will describe here I gave
Maybe someone here had a similar problem or can see WTF I'm doing wrong.
I have a seam application and I'm using Ajax4JSF to perform some validations using
a4j:support. I took as base the booking example of seam.
The problem is when I try to edit a simple entity in a conversation, the entity is a User
entity (username, firstname, lastname) and this entity has a @ManyToMany relationship with
a Role entity, this relationship is displayed as checkboxes in the page and here I'm
using s:convertEntity to make this work. All works fine without a4j:support in the input
fields. But, when I add the a4j:support to some field, then the entity is persited in the
database every time a a4j request is done (a4j:support onblur). This means every time I
press the tab key in the form page I can see something like this in the server console:
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
| ?, enabled=? where username=? and version=?
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
| ?, enabled=? where username=? and version=?
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
| ?, enabled=? where username=? and version=?
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
| ?, enabled=? where username=? and version=?
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
| ?, enabled=? where username=? and version=?
| Hibernate: update users set password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, email=?, version=?,
country=?, city=?, province=?, street=
But, I did not press any button or submit the form, and even the action (seam component)
is never called.
Here is my code:
User entity:
| @Entity
| @Table(name = "users")
| @Name("user")
| public class User implements Serializable {
| private static final long serialVersionUID = 1559233654671826129L;
| @Id
| @Column(name = "username")
| @Length(max = 50)
| @NotNull
| private String username;
| @Column(name = "password", nullable = false)
| @Length(min = 6, max = 200)
| @NotNull
| private String password;
| @Column(name = "firstname", nullable = false)
| @NotNull
| @Length(max = 80)
| private String firstName;
| @Column(name = "lastname", nullable = false)
| @NotNull
| @Length(max = 80)
| private String lastName;
| @Version
| @Column(name = "version")
| private long version;
| ...
| @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
| @JoinTable(
| name = "userrole",
| joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "username"),
| inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "name")
| )
| @OrderBy("name asc")
| private List<Role> roles;
| ....
Edit xhtml page:
| <ui:define name="body">
| <h:form id="userForm">
| <h:commandButton action="#{userAction.update}"
| styleClass="button" />
| <a4j:commandButton action="#{userAction.cancel}"
| styleClass="button" immediate="true"/>
| </div>
| <rich:panel id="formPanel">
| <f:facet
| <s:decorate id="usernameDecorate"
| <ui:define
| #{user.username}
| </s:decorate>
| <s:decorate id="firstNameDecorate"
| <ui:define
| <h:inputText id="firstName"
value="#{user.firstName}" required="true"
| maxlength="80" tabindex="4"
| <a4j:support event="onblur"
| </h:inputText>
| </s:decorate>
| <s:decorate id="lastNameDecorate"
| <ui:define
| <h:inputText id="lastName"
value="#{user.lastName}" required="true"
| maxlength="80" tabindex="5"
| <a4j:support event="onblur"
| </h:inputText>
| </s:decorate>
| //If I remove below field, all works fine
| <s:decorate template="/include/inputField.xhtml">
| <ui:define
| <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{user.roles}"
id="userRoles" tabindex="13" styleClass="checkBox">
| <s:selectItems value="#{roleList}"
var="role" label="#{messages[role.description]}"/>
| <s:convertEntity/>
| </h:selectManyCheckbox>
| </s:decorate>
| </rich:panel>
| </h:form>
User action component
| @Stateful
| @Name("userAction")
| @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
| @Restrict("#{s:hasRole('admin')}")
| public class UserAction implements Serializable, IUserAction {
| private static final long serialVersionUID = -8072889837049283608L;
| @In
| private EntityManager entityManager;
| @In(required = false)
| @Out(required = false)
| private User user;
| @In
| private FacesMessages facesMessages;
| @Begin(ifOutcome = "userEdit")
| public String select(User selectedUser) {
| log.debug("selecting user");
| try {
| user = entityManager.find(User.class, selectedUser.getUsername());
| user.setConfirmPassword(user.getPassword());
| setOriginalPassword(user.getPassword());
| return "userEdit";
| } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
| facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
| "Common.error.notFound", selectedUser.getFullName());
| return "userList";
| }
| }
| @End
| public String update() {
| try {
| entityManager.merge(user);
| } catch (OptimisticLockException e) {
| user = currentUser;
| facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,
| return null;
| }
| facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
| "Common.message.updated", user.getFullName());
| return "userList";
| }
| @End
| public String cancel() {
| return "userList";
| }
Maybe you are thinking that this post should be done in Ajax4JSF forum, but I'm not
sure about this, because it seems like a em.merge() is done, but I don't know by whom.
Anyway I hope you can give some hints in order to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
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