I have not solved this problem either and has not time to closely look at how
SeamResourceServlet is integrated with GWT. Following are what i have tried and still Not
able to solve a simple RPC call yet.
1) Starting from Seam-2.0.1CR1, i rearrange jpa booking example to make sure that it works
from the source. Similarly, i re-custom GWT Kitchen sink to make it work for my purpose.
2) To hook GWT and Seam together, i follow the Seam-GWT chapter in the ref doc. The ant
task does not wotk, so i write my simple ant task to transfer GWT generated client system
to seam webapp that the index page is pointed to. The task also transfers required client
objects such as the service, ValidationUtility and serializable transfer object to the
client module under Seam to be recompiled under jdk6 (instead of jdk4 for the client
system) with gwt-servlet-1.4 taken from GWT package.
3) The SeamResourceServlet is mapped in web.xml to /hub/resource/* and the endpoint URL in
GWT widget to invoke the async service is mapped to /hub/resource/gwt. Different mappings
are tried with no better result.
4) Putting the compiled seam application to tomcat 6, GWT client-side system is up
appropriately. Using the suggested ValidationUtility in both client and server side, i see
the ValidationUtility work on the client side. But once it passes the validation to be
send to the server, the seam server implementation does not response and the communication
between client-server always fail. The problem may come from the connection point between
GWT generated implementation of XxxServiceAsync and seam component implementation of
I do like to have this simple integration ironed out before we can do any things more
interesting. Hope someone can help.
BaTien, dbgroups
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