Peter Johnson [] replied to the discussion
"web app online"
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So what you are trying to do is let people access the JBoss AS running on your PC. How do
you connect to the internet? What does your home network look like? What kind of firewalls
does your internet provider (ISP) have in place? Essentially, you want to open the
firewalls in your ISP and your local router (if any) so that anyone accesing port 8080 can
get to your machine. Personally, I would set up a seperate computer that hosts JBoss AS,
and place that computer in front of my router. (I could provide a quick diagram, but I
have a meeting to attend)
By the way, you can purchase a small server configuration from Amazon's EC2 for about
%0.10 per hour which works out to about $72USD a month, much less that the 200Euro the
hosting company charges.
Also, what kind of apps are you writting? If mainly serverlet/JSF then perhaps
Goosle's AppEngine might be a better approach. They let you host your app and as long
as it doesn't exceed a certain threshold (and the threshold is fairly high) then it is
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