I cannot figure out how to handle references to other entities in subclasses in the
inheritance hierarchy.
Let's consider following example (a bit incomplete to make it easily readable):
| @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
| public abstract class Man {
| ...
| public Long getId();
| public String getName();
| ...
| }
| @Entity
| @OnDelete(action=OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
| public class Employee extends Man {
| ...
| @ManyToOne
| @OnDelete(action=OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
| public Department getDepartment();
| ...
| }
| @Entity
| public class Department {
| ...
| public Long getId();
| public String getDepartmentName();
| ...
| }
Man(id=1, name="John Black")
Employee(id=1, department_id=0)
Department(id=0, "Production")
Notice the cascading deletes. As soon as the department is deleted, also the employee is
deleted - but as the InheritanceType.JOINED is used, only a part of the employee is
actually deleted. The abstract part of the employee (in the "Man" table) remains
in the database (which is bad!). Any attempt to instantiate the man named "John
Black" fails on the "Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface"
exception" (no surprise, is it?).
I wonder if there is any way how to delete also the abstract part of the record
automatically if the extending part of the record is deleted.
Thanks for hints.
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