Hello nhelder,
Your post is dated from August 2007, so I do not know if you are still facing this
problem. I am new to JBoss AS myself and like you, I was trying to figure out how to use
virtual directories in JBoss AS and I had stumbled upon the same posts as you.
Using JBoss AS v4.2.2.GA I have successfully employed virtual directories (external
directories in the JBoss nomenclature). I followed the steps provided in the external
directories wiki page (
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ExternalDirectories), but
skipped copying the default web.xml file. In order to get external directories to work, I
had to include the path parameter in the context tag. Originally, I had copied over a
working context tag from a standalone version of Apache Tomcat v5.5, which did not include
the parameter, path. It was the addition of the path tag that made the external
directories work.
I hope this helps if you are still trying to use external directories in JBoss AS 4.2.x
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