Sorry, but I have no knowledge of how drools workitems are configured/created/used in
their 'GPD' etc (Drools 'workflow' is not something that is supported by
JBoss), so
But besides this, I'm not completely sure what you mean by
anonymous wrote : I did a quick scan about the pvm-documentation but I realized that
XML-Processing is made by each implementing api, which implicates that this document
didn't help me to map such nodes to a common type ....
so if my comment below is not related, please shoot :-)
You are right in looking at the pvm documentation for extending jPDL 4. Adding new element
types is possible this way but indeed not by 'mapping' them to an existing common
node type by using e.g. an attribute value instead of an element name. Might be an
interesting addition though. Aamof, the BPMN2 implementation on top of the pvm could use
something like this as well.
The editor is a different story. With new (user defined) element names it is harder to
extend than the runtime engine, but not completely impossible. Using attributes would make
it a little easier.
With regard to your 40 days, I think it is very well possible to extend the existing jPDL
(maybe even the pvm) and the GPD to support large parts of this (contributions always
welcome, with 'support' from our side in return ;-) ) If you want to go this way,
discussing this in the dev forum is a good thing to do.
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