Tihomir Surdilovic [
https://community.jboss.org/people/tsurdilovic] created the
"Re: JBPM Designer without Uberfire?"
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Every web application is going to be tied to some frameworks that you may or may not like.
With Drools and jBPM this is Uberfire (
http://droolsjbpm.github.io/uberfire/ ). Designer has a standalone war that is deployable
on JBoss AS 7 and Tomcat out of the box, as well as modules which you can use to embed
Designer into your own applications. Designer standalone is not tied to any other
applications (as it was case before with being tied to Drools Guvnor) so this is already a
step forward. With VFS you can configure it to store your business process assets in git,
file system, cms, db, etc ...and all those features you get for free and open-source ...so
why you seem to be complaining about all this is kind of beyond me :)
It is also possible to strip out parts of the application that you may just not wish to
use. That's why open source is so powerful - just clone jBPM Designer and change it as
you see fit for yourself..or like I said open a Jira and get votes for the features you
may need and then you even might get free help from core devs on the projects ...again a
win in my opinion :)
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